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​Denny Griffin MA, AT, ATC
Alma College

Holly Hill, MA, AT, ATC

Albion College


The Professional Education Committee has the following Functions and Responsibilities:

  1. Investigate and study all possibilities for education and advancement of MATS, its members, the athletic training profession, and public, and make recommendations to the Executive Council.

  2. Investigate and recommend opportunities for in-service training and continuing education for MATS

  3. Coordinate MATS clinical symposiums.

  4. Cooperate with other state and district organizations in the development, planning, and execution of joint education programs and symposiums.

  5. Submit all annual reports - financial, budget proposals, and accomplishments.

  6. Screen applications and bids for future educational conference sites and prepares materials for review at the Executive Board Meeting

  7. Recommend selection of future educational conference sites to the Executive Board.

  8. Maintain current files of past annual educational meeting reports.

  9. Prepare an Annual Post-Educational Conference report for the Executive Council (due two weeks after the educational conference). This Post-Conference report will also be submitted to Communications Chairperson on or before the next deadline.

  10. Keep membership informed of educational opportunities throughout the state, via current communication medium.



Professional Education Committee Members:

Dennis Griffin, EdD, AT, ATC, Alma College (Co-Chair)

Holly Hill, MA, AT, ATC, Albion College (Co-Chair)

Meg Frens, MS, AT, ATC, Owner, AIRE ATC, LLC

Vic Libera, MA, AT, ATC, CSCS, STS, Adrian College

Beth McGuire MA, AT, ATC, Central Michigan University

Frank Lerchen, AT, ATC, West Ottawa High School

Andrew Stoll, MA, AT, ATC, Wayne State University

Gayle Thompson, PhD, AT, ATC, Girls on the Run

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